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Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030), they are only just getting started!

(Sample articles: here and here and here).

Where are we heading???

If you thought 2021 was bad, you haven't seen anything yet!

"IA2030 envisions A world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines for good health and well-being.”
"Ultimately, people and communities should perceive immunization as a social norm, right and responsibility"


World Health Org publications

Targets to be achieved by 2030

1. Achieving 90% coverage for essential vaccines given in childhood and adolescence

2. Halving the number of children completely missing out on vaccines 

3. Completing 500 national or subnational introductions of new or under-utilized vaccines  - such as those for COVID-19, rotavirus, or human papillomavirus (HPV).



World Health Assembly

Commitment to IA2030

(The plan for Australia)


Implementing vaccines through behaviours

"Ultimately, people and communities should perceive immunization as a social norm, right and responsibility."


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