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New Discovery Shows Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA

In a discovery that challenges long-held dogma in biology, researchers show that mammalian cells can convert RNA sequences back into DNA, a feat more common in viruses than eukaryotic cells.

The work was published June 11th, 2021, in the journal Science Advances.



"Our study unexpectedly reveals that Polθ (theta) reverse transcribes RNA and undergoes a significant structural transformation to accommodate a DNA/RNA template. The structural transformation of Polθ’s thumb subdomain is likely needed to maintain productive interactions on DNA/RNA, which adopts a significantly different conformation relative to DNA/DNA in the Polθ complex. In contrast, structurally characterized retroviral RTs, such as HIV-RT, do not exhibit structural refolding of their thumb subdomain when acting on DNA/RNA (fig. S11A). The marked structural-functional switch within the thumb subdomain observed in Polθ has not been previously observed in other DNA polymerases or retroviral RTs and therefore may be unique to Polθ, which is an unusually promiscuous enzyme that is capable of acting on a variety of different templates including DNA/DNA, DNA/RNA, ssDNA, partial ssDNA, and single-stranded RNA.

Together, these structural studies reveal that Polθ has an extraordinary degree of structural plasticity that enables it to efficiently transcribe template ribonucleotides and accommodate a full RNA-DNA hybrid within its active site.

Although future studies will be required to fully elucidate the physiological relevance of Polθ RT activity, our findings demonstrate that Polθ accommodates template ribonucleotides in an active configuration and promotes RNA-DNA repair, which may contribute to cellular tolerance of genome-embedded ribonucleotides."


Why is this concerning?

1. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are BOTH MRNA vaccines

2. This highlights the unknowns when it comes to genome editing


What a strange coincidence...

The World Medical Association released a statement specifically about the fact they DO NOT SUPPORT genome editing due to the myriad of issues.

"Once introduced into the human population, genetic alterations would be difficult to remove and would not remain within any single community or country. The effects could remain uncertain for many subsequent generations, during which time deleterious modifications could be dispersed throughout the population."

And when was their statement released???


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